Sunday, September 2, 2012

Spokane To Ethiopia 2012, The Sequel

Welcome back to the blog. If you have not heard, North Addison Baptist Church is sending a new team to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In fact, we leave in 39 days! October 10, 2012 at 5:30pm to be exact. The members of this year's traveling team are:
Maggie Kercher                         Andrew Kercher
Bret Poffenroth                         Sherridan Poffenroth
Linda Dick                               Tina Liggett
Clarissa Stoddard

Thank you to all of you that have taken part in our fund raising efforts.Through this year, we have done many events including yard sales, pancake breakfasts, babysitting, craft sales, plant sales, house cleaning, yard work, painting, car washes and t-shirt sales. As our departure date gets closer, we have a few last chance events planned. Saturday, September 15, we will be washing cars again at the Nevada-Lyons Car Wash Plaza from 9am-noon. Come by and let us do the cleaning. Sunday, the 16th, with the help of the KaPOW group and College Age class, we will be having a Baked Potato Bar dinner. Come let us serve you dinner.

We have also started collecting items that we will be taking with us to donate. We are hoping to take cloth diapers, iron-enriched baby formula, clothes and shoes for infants to 16 years old, reusable bags or cinch bags for book bags, small games and toys, Frisbees and beads for stringing. Donations can be given to any team member or dropped off at the church downstairs in the designated corner.

One of our key words this year is "flexibility". We often plan for a certain idea or project only to learn our plans have to change or be altered in some way. This is not necessary a bad thing, but it keeps us on our toes and continuously thinking of new ideas. When we arrive, we will hit the ground running as we go to Korah to visit the children and conduct a VBS. With the inspiration of the foundation Project 61, we will spend time serving the children of the dumps of Korah. To learn more, visit their website

We also will have the chance to repeat our VBS with children patients at the CURE International Hospital. These children are afflicted with orthopedic or cleft deformities. At the hospital, they receive surgery to correct these deformities. Their website is

Thank you for your interest. We are hoping to continue to use this blog to keep our family and friends updated as we travel and work. Mark this link as a favorite and check back often.


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