Sunday, September 30, 2012

10 Days and counting.........

The count down is officially at ten days!!  I know we are all excited. Suitcases are being pulled out of closets and potential packing items are being tossed inside. I already see that I am going to have to eliminate some things because it is too full. I bet everyone will have the same dilemma. If you have not heard, we are all expected to put our personal belongings in our carry-on. The two checked bags that we are each taking will be packed with the piles of donations that we have been collecting. The table at church is truly overflowing with gifts and love that we will transport and distribute to those that are in need.

Today at church we were pleasantly surprised with a skype call from the entire Wade family. I say surprised because the Pastor told us Thursday night of his intentions, but I completely forgot! It was great to see and hear each of them share about one of our potential projects that they were each passionate about. They all look great and It was even fun to hear Caleb sing in Amharic.

We still have lots to do. Check in again soon.


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