Sunday, September 30, 2012

10 Days and counting.........

The count down is officially at ten days!!  I know we are all excited. Suitcases are being pulled out of closets and potential packing items are being tossed inside. I already see that I am going to have to eliminate some things because it is too full. I bet everyone will have the same dilemma. If you have not heard, we are all expected to put our personal belongings in our carry-on. The two checked bags that we are each taking will be packed with the piles of donations that we have been collecting. The table at church is truly overflowing with gifts and love that we will transport and distribute to those that are in need.

Today at church we were pleasantly surprised with a skype call from the entire Wade family. I say surprised because the Pastor told us Thursday night of his intentions, but I completely forgot! It was great to see and hear each of them share about one of our potential projects that they were each passionate about. They all look great and It was even fun to hear Caleb sing in Amharic.

We still have lots to do. Check in again soon.


Monday, September 24, 2012

Quick link update

After re-reading my post from last night, I was eager to find out more information on the Mission Ethiopia and the empowerment party slated for Wednesday and Thursday's schedule of events. Visit and see a great video on the program that empowers women to make jewelry from the clay and paper beads that are all handmade. The second video mentions guest housing. Though, that is the same terminology that Leanne has used throughout making our arrangements, I am not sure if is anything like what we can expect of our arrangements.

Another quick note, we received our account update today, as we do every Monday, and the fundraising is so close to being complete. If you have been meaning to donate, there is still an opportunity at Follow the link to on-line giving and you can designate a gift to the Ethiopian Mission team. All funds collected at this time will be used to further our service projects in country.

Finally, Bret and I went to The Queen of Sheba restaurant for Sunday lunch yesterday. It was my opportunity to introduce him to the food. He liked it and even took home leftovers!! We are all hoping to visit once more before we leave.

Thanks for checking in,

Saturday, September 22, 2012

A schedule of events

   As each day passes, the excitement and anticipation grow stronger. We each are doing the final things to prepare for this adventure. Several of us completed our immunizations this week. Others are finishing fund raising and making arrangements at work and school. Keep us all in your thoughts and prayers as we each take care of our individual situations.

I mentioned in a previous post that I would provide the schedule closer to our departure date, but after several inquiries, I am posting it tonight.

Wednesday, October 10, 5:30pm: Depart from Spokane Airport
Friday, October 12,         7:45am:  Arrive in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
                                                       Tour Bingham Academy  (Where The Wades work)
                                                       Tour Korah
Saturday, October 13,  am:    VBS at Korah
                                     pm:    Work project for Korah Misgana Church ( replacement of ceiling)
Sunday, October 14,    am:     Attending church at Korah Misgana Church
Monday, October 15,   am:    VBS at CURE Clinic     (
                                     pm:    Work project at CURE  (painting)
Tuesday, October 16,   am:    Rafiki Children's Home  (
                                     pm:    Rafiki Children's Home
Wed., October 17,        am:    Project 61 (
                                     pm:    Project 61
Thurs., October 18,      am:    Mission Ethiopia
                                    pm:     Sabahar Silk Factory (
Friday, October 19,     am:     Bethzatha Orphanage ( work day, painting)
                                    pm:     Bethzatha Orphanage
Saturday, Oct 20,        am:     VBS at Bethzatha Orphanage
                                    pm:     Bethzatha Orphanage
Sunday, Oct 21,          am:     Church at IEC
                                   pm:      Shopping, debriefing and heading to the airport
                                               depart at 10:15pm
Monday, Oct 22,                    Arrive in Spokane at 8:30pm!

We hear from Leanne often and there are sure to be some additional changes before we leave and even after we get there. I will post additions and changes as we are informed.

We are still collecting donations. See the links at to find a list of donation items still needed. We hope to carry 18 checked bags full of donations and work supplies. The team will be carrying all their personal items in their carry on bags.

Thanks again for following. Stay tuned.



Monday, September 17, 2012

Here we are!!

Here we are!! This is the 2012 traveling group. It is getting so close. Almost everyday, someone asks me "How many days?". Well, as of this posting 22 days until we take off. I argued the number of days with Deanna Wade via skype a few weeks ago because she was counting until the day we arrive there. She would say it is 24 days  from today. That does not mean we are flying for two days. Remember, we are traveling back in time so to speak. We depart Spokane on a Wednesday evening and after two change of flights and several hours of layovers and many hours of flight, we will arrive on a Friday morning.

We heard from Leanne twice this weekend; once by skype and once by email. She sent us a schedule of events. I will post it as it gets closer. There are sure to be changes so I will save some writing time by waiting until just before we leave. Leanne announced that we would be doing a work project for the Korah Misgana Church. Today we found out that we would be helping them replace the ceiling in the church. The current ceiling is similar to a tarp made of burlap. It is hard to imagine and was even harder for her to describe.

We did some major fund raising this past weekend. On Saturday, we washed cars one more time. We were a bit short handed in our number of workers but we were able to keep the flow moving. During the last hour, there was a car in each of three bays and at least 3 and some times more cars waiting to be washed. And contrary to a husband's beliefs, I DID wash and dry part of a car or two!

Sunday evening we had a great time at the Baked Potato Dinner. It was nice to see all the support there enjoying dinner. Thank you to all who came. Thanks also go out to KaPOW, led by Joy Harris and the college group, led by the Sherwoods for their support of time, hosting, cooking, prep and all. We could not have done it without you.

To close this evening, we just ask for your thoughts and prayers now. Pray that our doubts and fears are calmed. Pray for our safety as we travel.  Pray for the people we will come in contact with at the airports, on the streets and in the city of Addis Ababa, that their hearts will be prepared to receive us and the works and service we are there and willing to do. Pray that we are able to find materials and supplies to complete the projects we are meant to do. Also pray for our families both now as we are preparing to leave and while we are gone.

Thanks again for checking in. Talk to you next week!

Saturday, September 8, 2012

32 days and counting

I have a count down feature on my laptop so every time I log on it flashes how many days until we leave. As I am typing this,  the window is flashing 1 month, 1 day and 21 hours!! 32 days and we leave for Ethiopia.

Last weekend we held a car wash in north Spokane at the Wandermere Car Wash Plaza. Big thanks to the owner and staff of both Wandermere and Nevada plazas for allowing us to use their facilities to wash cars. We will be washing cars one more time, this Saturday, September 15th from 9-12. The following day, Sunday, September 16th, we will be hosting a baked potato bar dinner at the church from 4:30-5:45pm. We will be providing potatoes and toppings and dessert with the help of the KaPOW team and the college-age group.  Please join us for dinner. Donations will be accepted at the door.

Last weekend some of us also worked for the Spokane Symphony at their Labor Day free concert at Comstock Park. This year, the city required outdoor events to supply and manage recycle bins; another way to be greener. Thank you to Annie Matlow for suggesting and offering the Ethiopia team an opportunity to manage, collect and cash in any collected cans and bottles. Well, we enjoyed the free concert and the weather was pleasing, but the collection of cans and bottles did not generate any funds. I guess I can say how pleased I am that Spokanites clean up after themselves so well. It was amazing to see the high-end tailgating at this event. People not only brought their chairs and blankets but also the table, the table cloth with candles, vases of flowers, wine glasses and high-end park food. This was the first year recycling was offered at this event. Perhaps next year will be a better chance for another group.

Speaking of funds, we are so close. As we started this adventure, our goal was for each member to raise $3000. There are nine of us going and we are just over $22,000. Only $5000 more to go in 32 short days. The remainder of the funds raised will go towards projects in Addis Ababa. Some projects we are hoping to do include VBS activities, buying and setting up a playground jungle-gym for an orphanage, providing educational scholarships for some children and painting. We are there to serve and will work where ever we are needed. If you still want to help, you can donate directly through the church's website at Find the giving tab on the left of the home page and follow the on-screen instructions. Next, you can specifically comment in the note section, that your donation is for the Ethiopia mission team.

Thank you for following us and keeping in touch. More to come as we get closer to our departure date.

Stay tuned,

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Spokane To Ethiopia 2012, The Sequel

Welcome back to the blog. If you have not heard, North Addison Baptist Church is sending a new team to Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. In fact, we leave in 39 days! October 10, 2012 at 5:30pm to be exact. The members of this year's traveling team are:
Maggie Kercher                         Andrew Kercher
Bret Poffenroth                         Sherridan Poffenroth
Linda Dick                               Tina Liggett
Clarissa Stoddard

Thank you to all of you that have taken part in our fund raising efforts.Through this year, we have done many events including yard sales, pancake breakfasts, babysitting, craft sales, plant sales, house cleaning, yard work, painting, car washes and t-shirt sales. As our departure date gets closer, we have a few last chance events planned. Saturday, September 15, we will be washing cars again at the Nevada-Lyons Car Wash Plaza from 9am-noon. Come by and let us do the cleaning. Sunday, the 16th, with the help of the KaPOW group and College Age class, we will be having a Baked Potato Bar dinner. Come let us serve you dinner.

We have also started collecting items that we will be taking with us to donate. We are hoping to take cloth diapers, iron-enriched baby formula, clothes and shoes for infants to 16 years old, reusable bags or cinch bags for book bags, small games and toys, Frisbees and beads for stringing. Donations can be given to any team member or dropped off at the church downstairs in the designated corner.

One of our key words this year is "flexibility". We often plan for a certain idea or project only to learn our plans have to change or be altered in some way. This is not necessary a bad thing, but it keeps us on our toes and continuously thinking of new ideas. When we arrive, we will hit the ground running as we go to Korah to visit the children and conduct a VBS. With the inspiration of the foundation Project 61, we will spend time serving the children of the dumps of Korah. To learn more, visit their website

We also will have the chance to repeat our VBS with children patients at the CURE International Hospital. These children are afflicted with orthopedic or cleft deformities. At the hospital, they receive surgery to correct these deformities. Their website is

Thank you for your interest. We are hoping to continue to use this blog to keep our family and friends updated as we travel and work. Mark this link as a favorite and check back often.
