Sunday, November 7, 2010

Gifts for Special Moms

Thanks to everyone in Spokane who contributed scarves and lotions for the gift bags for the Special Moms, who are the volunteer caregivers at Hannah's Hope, and especially to Pam Campbell and The River radio station for donating the bags. In the picture, Annie Matlow makes the donation to Tsige at Hannah's Hope on Friday.


  1. Hooray, Annie! It is great when inspiration from God brings so many people together! I know you had really been looking forward to that moment for a long time now!

  2. I hope those 5th & 6th graders get to see this picture. They worked hard to pack those gifts together. What an amazing team effort

  3. It's great to see the gift bags being given! I know it was an important project for you, Annie! I bet it felt good to get to give them to them!
